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Nov. 8 2019
Many of you come from small dairy farms like I did. For some, family members make up the entire labor force that must complete the daily work associated with dairy farming
Nov. 7 2019
My husband, Scott, has a master plan that generally includes 100 things to get done in a day’s work. Rarely do the stars align so that everything gets checked off
Nov. 6 2019
Everyone has a different definition of what a farmer is. The worst I found came from, and it was, “an unsophisticated person from a rural area.”
Nov. 4 2019
Corn silage’s energy comes from the high moisture portion of the plant. That grain portion is approximately 65 percent of the total plant’s energy
Nov. 1 2019
At World Dairy Expo, Chris Wolf, a professor in Agricultural Economics and Management at Cornell University, presented a seminar on the sometimes dreaded topic of dairy farm finances and decision making
Oct. 31 2019
It is an exciting time here at the farm. The finishing touches are being made to get the robots ready to milk our cows starting next Tuesday
Oct. 30 2019
In a meeting, I was asked what my main focus on the farm was, and I had to pause for a second to think about it
Oct. 28 2019
This past weekend I had the rare opportunity to visit the high school I graduated from three decades ago
Oct. 25 2019
Working with family on the farm can be rewarding and enjoyable . . . until you need to move a cow from Point A to Point B together. Do any of you ever feel this way?
Oct. 24 2019
I'm sorry to say that I'm always excusing the way I live as if I'm ashamed when, in fact, I'm far from that. And, honestly, I know I'm not alone
Oct. 23 2019
Agriculture is hard right now. Not just financially or physically, but emotionally and mentally, too. As hard as it is to talk to our families, sometimes it’s even harder to talk to professionals...
Oct. 22 2019
Although there is always room for improvement, the United States dairy industry has been a leader in milk quality
Oct. 21 2019
“Animal welfare is the result of the positive outcome of the interaction between humans and the animals,” said Robert Hagevoort, of New Mexico State University during the monthly webinar
Oct. 18 2019
World Dairy Expo is not only home to one of the most historic dairy shows across the globe, but it also hosts crucial forage seminars throughout the week for producers and attendees to gain inventive knowledge
Oct. 17 2019
How many of you ladies would agree that when someone unfamiliar with your farm comes to visit, advertise, or put in a resume, they go to every male on the farm trying to get to the “owner”...
Oct. 16 2019
I heard it. My heart sank and my mind raced. The pop of a rifle echoed in the distance as I briefly stopped working. I knew it was going to happen, yet I was naively unprepared for the reality
Oct. 15 2019
A police report news blurb I saw a couple of weeks ago left me chuckling. A high-speed pursuit of a stolen vehicle ended at a dairy farm when the suspects managed to drive into the manure lagoon
Oct. 14 2019
I grew up in a small town where most everyone is a farmer. Some 15 years ago, I had come back for a hometown visit with my new wife
Calf Care_cover_2019
Oct. 11 2019
Young calves are the most fragile asset a dairy producer has. We know that a calf’s value later in life as a profitable milk cow is largely impacted by her early development, but maintaining a successful...
Oct. 9 2019
We’ve never been the herd with the lowest somatic cell count (SCC). Our numbers have always bounced around, and we’ve literally tried everything to stabilize them